Sunday, November 30, 2014

C4T #4

Final C4T

In the text post he talks about how to incorporate science into a meaningful lesson. He posted how important it is to incorporate technology in as well. He showed pictures of the students performing hands on activities and interactive field trips around the school. He stress how important it is for students to connect real life meaning to their learning experience. 

I really enjoyed reading your blog! I think it is very important for students to be life long learners and what better way for them to do that than to incorporate real life meaning into their studies.

Blog Post #5 Part 2

My Final PLN
By: Chelsea Powers

My PLN has become very useful to me throughout the weeks in EDM 310. It has helped me keep organized on the various different websites I use in this class. I hope everyone found this as useful as I did. Here is a link to my own personal PLN.

Chelsea's PLN

Monday, November 24, 2014

C4K November

C4K November


Naveen Mr. Wigmore's Class
100 word challenge.
One day I was walking I saw a dog and it had a broken bone and the dog was crying. :( I helped it but it was a cat no!! because it attacked me .It was on green grass and it dug a hole and all the mud came on me “yuck ” the cat was swimming so I was going to catch it in the water and it would also take the mud off of me. then it was lifted by a big wave and I fiannly cauht the cat. It was crying :( I felt bad so I took it to the veternarion then it went back in the wild “yes “.

My response:
Great job on your 100 word challenge. I really enjoyed reading your story! keep up the good work and I cannot wait to read more.

Have you ever wondered what Veterans Day is? I am going to tell you what is Veterans Day is and why do we celebrate it.

Veterans Day is the day when we Americans, honor the people who served the Armed Forces. When died or alive should still honor them for protecting our country. They also make it better everyday by saving America and making it a place to live in. Also, to honor the people who wake up every morning and doing their job as protecters of our country.

The reason why we celebrate Veterans Day is because it is the day to honor the people who sever America.Also, the day when we thank them for all the hard work they have done. They also risk their lives for us, their families and our freedom. They make America a safe place to live they are the hero’s of our country.
This is what Veterans Day is and why we celebrate it.

I am a student at the University of South Alabama and I am studying to become a teacher. What a great post in honor of all of our Veterans. Most people forget about the brave men and women who serve our country everyday for our freedom. Keep up the good work!

Post #11
Leah Wrote:
What happen this first quarter?
This first quarter is almost over because this is the last day of the first quarter and I will tell you what happened. It has been the first quarter since the beginning of the year and so far we have learned so much and done so many projects. Most of the projects we did were in science: like testing gobstoppers in different liquids such as nail polish remover, like me and my friend Emily did. And we also made different weather detectors such as barometers, and rain gauges, ect. I am ecstatic to finish the rest of the year.

This year is much much better than last year. I have made more friends and learned more about the Catholic faith. It is interesting to learn about because I am Lutheran and so now i know much about the difference between both faiths. I am a novice at writing this year large paragraphs and stories in language. Language is one of my most favorite subjects because I get to practice my writing and I love writing books.

I am about to write a new book about a girl named Lilly that finds out her school is closing down their playground because there is sand hornets there. Lilly finally finds out a new chemical-like solution to get rid of the sand hornets as the school thanks her for her free choice of the school to go to a field trip anywhere she would like. She decides they should go to a art museum. As they get to the museum they stroll around for a bit as Lilly finds out something suspicious. She finds one of the painting’s important character is missing. She goes there a week later with her parents and finds out that it is in a different painting by the same person and tells somebody at the museum. Soon they fix it and she is thanked by the museum and earns something very special.What could it be?

Thank you for reading my newest blog. Please mention any ideas i could put in my newest story!


Hi Leah,
My name is Chelsea and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. It looks like you have been pretty busy this quarter. I can't wait to read your story! keep up the good work!


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blog Post #14

Teaching Can be a Profession by: Joel Klein
Teaching Can be a Profesion

Pick from the best:
Joel Klein states that we have let virtually anyone become teachers and that we need to recruite teachers that are in the top third of their graduating class. Mr. Klein also discusses how we must change the way we award teachers.

Seniority Distraction:
Mr. Klein explains how the schools focus on seniority instead of a highly qualified teachers. This is a problem because there are plenty on incompetent teachers that do not perform as well and still have a job because they have been there the longest.

Radical Change:
Shanker talks about a major change where teachers would have to be evaluated and take exams. He also went as further so children would have a choice of where they wanted to go to school instead of their mandatory school district.

My opinion:
By: Chelsea Powers

Mr. Klein has a very good outlook on what the school systems should do. It would take a lot to make all of these changes. I have to agree that teachers should be awarded based on their performance instead of seniority! I have seen plenty of teachers that are not qualified whatsoever to teach a child at all and then I see a new teacher just out of school that is so much more qualified and she is the one to get fired because she is not "tenyard". I believe all teachers should take some type of exam to make sure they are up to date on all the new technology and ways to help benefit on how our students learn. In order for all this to take place you would have to start from the ground up. In a perfect world I can see this happening but lets face it, we do not live in a perfect world.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blog Post #13

Common Core Standards
By: Chelsea Powers

What is Common Core Standards? What are some pros and cons of Common Core Standards? What is your opinion on Common Core Standards?

Common Core is a rigorous set of standards for the English Language Arts and mathematics curriculum that has been developed based on the best practices of schools and organizations around the country and the world. The standards were created using the feedback of K-12 teachers, college-level educators and experts in the fields of civil rights, English-language learners and students with disabilities.

The Common Core Standards will allow states to compare standardized test scores accurately.

The Common Core Standards are internationally bench-marked.

The Common Core Standards will decrease the costs states pay for test development, scoring, and reporting.

The Common Core Standards will lead to the development of higher level thinking skills in our students.

The Common Core Standards will increase the rigor in the classroom and thus better prepare students for college and global work success.

The Common Core Standards will be a tremendously difficult adjustment for students and teachers initially.

The Common Core Standards are vague and broad.

The Common Core Standards will likely cause many outstanding teachers and administrators to pursue other career options.

The Common Core Standards assessment will not have an equivalency test for students with special needs.

The Common Core Standards currently only have skills associated with English-Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. There are currently no science or social studies Common Core Standards.

Pros and Cons Of The Common Core Standards

There is a lot of controversy over Common Core Standards in the US. There is a lot of parents and teachers that wonder if the common core is right for our children. Of course we want our children to be nationally average compared to everyone else. But how does this actually work? As a parent it is hard for me to help my child with his homework because he is not learning or being taught the same way I was when I was in school. When I do try to help him it confuses him. I can see where this can be beneficial with helping our children becoming college and career ready. I guess nobody really likes change but we have to embrace it and take it for what it is, especially for future educators to learn new ways to teach our future citizens.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Blog Post #12

Assistive Technology for Students with ADHD
By: Chelsea Powers
In todays classroom there is a growing rate for children with ADHD. This can be very difficult for a teacher, parent, and other classmates. It also requires a lot of patience, I say this speaking as a mother with a child that struggles with ADHD. I chose to find assistive technology for students with ADHD. I also use some of the programs and strategies at home to help with his homework. There are a bunch of resources for students and teachers in the classroom that I have listed below.

A word-prediction program that requires a few keystrokes to generate word lists can help students with severe spelling problems, who do not benefit from spell-checkers. Graphic organizers, on the other hand, can be helpful to students who can't generate ideas and organize their thoughts. Such as this website Aurora Systems
Clickers are remote control looking items that record student’s
answers to questions. They can be multiple choice questions or polls. It is a great way to get immediate feedback and data on student’s knowledge of the material. Clickers are engaging for all students especially those with learning disabilities. They provide instant feedback for the student and involves technology It engages the student while maintaining focus on the lesson and task at hand.

Text to speech programs
The programs and tools that create text to speech are great for students who are auditory learners, struggling readers, or have visual impairments. This allows the students to listen to the text while following along with the reading. The student is no longer focused solely on word recognition but now focused on the content and main ideas. WordQ is another program that helps students proofread their work.

Noah Armstrong
Speech recognition software
In my research I came across a few technologies that are designed to help physically handicapped students, but one stuck out because it is something that would help people like me with forms of dyslexia. Speech recognition software was designed to help use a computer without using the traditional mouse and keyboard. Software like “Dragon” can recognize sounds spoken by the user and convert them into commands for the computer. This allows someone with limited use of their hands to operate a computer with their voice. This allows people with limb abnormalities or amputations to be free of the need for an aid to do the typing for them.
Using this software one can also dictate to the computer what they wish to type. This can help not only the people who find it hard or impossible to type but also those that have problems spelling, like those with Dyslexia. These programs are almost 100% accurate when it comes to spelling and recognizing speech. This allows them to make up for their handicaps.
Speech recognition may not be in itself a learning tool but it levels the playing field so that those with the inability to use a computer normally can have a way to do it on their own without help. This is not only a tool for school work but also for the real world that is now run by computers.

AT for the Deaf and Hearing impaired student. During my search for assistive technologies available for the hearing impaired or Deaf this disability was often paired with blindness as well. It was explained that both of these disabilities account for the smaller part of the disabled population so maybe that is why they were often paired together. Another reason could be that a lot of times when a person has one disability it can be accompanied by another or sometimes multiple disabilities reside within one person. At any rate I concentrated on the Deaf. The Deaf community and members within consider it offensive to call them hearing impaired or to say that they have suffered a loss of hearing. They consider ASL (American Sign Language) to be their native language and English their second language. Some do not speak by choice however most of the Deaf learn to speak in order to effectively communicate with the general public.

I will move from older to newer technologies as some of the older ones will still be in use but not for long I am sure as smartphones are getting smarter every day.

In the classroom setting the interpreter was at one time the only way a teacher could communicate effectively with a Deaf or hearing impaired student. The interpreter stands to the left and a little bit behind the teacher and signs what the teacher says in sign language for the Deaf student to see and understand.

Hearing aids can be used by some students with hearing impairment however, do know that the aids amplify ALL of the sound including background noise which could still make it difficult for the student to hear the teacher. Use of FM systems (the same kind as presidential security or McDonald's drive through) where the teacher wears a mini microphone and the student wears a pair of headphones is extremely useful in these cases because the student hears ONLY the teacher.

Sidekick is a mobile communication device that allows the user to receive Instant Messages (IM) and Email. Of course this device is being replaced by the cellphone.

Video instruction and televised announcements with closed captioning can be effective tools. The student can pause or review any forgotten or missed parts of the video instruction avoiding misunderstood questions or answers due to language/communication barriers.

Photo experience books created by the student offer a visual tool to communicate personal experiences with a hearing person without the use of spoken language.

Power point presentations are great for the hearing impaired and Deaf students. It is a computer program that is offered through Microsoft. The program allows the teacher to add pictures and text to slides eliminating the need for the student to hear what is being said.

A vocalization to visualization tool is available for free through a computer program called Winamp media player. A microphone is used and auditory sound is turned into visual fireworks on the computer monitor. This is used to represent the sound that is going on in the room as well as to teach the Deaf student how to speak.

The top assistive technology by far within the Deaf community is the smartphone and texting. The junior high and high schoolers especially like this because it completely eliminates the need to speak. They can communicate clearly and just as quickly with text as their hearing peers.

All of these technologies can and are used in real world situations and like I said earlier the smartphone is quickly replacing a lot of these technologies as I type. resources are on next page.

Kathryn Ortmann-AT for the Blind and the Visually Impaired

Students that are blind or have visual impairments are going to be vulnerable to falling behind in a classroom setting. Meet Mason. He's a first grader and suffers from a vision impairment. Mason's parents were worried when he first started school that he would not be able to keep up with others and he wouldn't be able to go to a normal school.

To help solve some of Mason's complications, his school purchased a Mountbatten Brailler for him to use during class so that he can learn to write and read Braille. The Mountbatten Brailler is the complete Braille learning center for children and their teachers. As a professional resource, the Mountbatten Brailler offers exceptional connectivity and software to support flexible teaching and educational needs. The Mountbatten is a simple tool that can be used to develop awareness of Braille symbols and characters. The clear audio response reinforces learning and tells the student which commands are being entered. The Mountbatten is the first and only Bluetooth Smart hard-copy Braille device that communicates wirelessly with iOS Bluetooth Smart Ready devices. Mason is able to learn Braille at an early age, so as the grade level increases and the difficulty of subject matter increases, Mason can keep up with his fellow classmates.

Mason uses an iPad and the Smart Board to increase his learning. The iPad allows Mason to participate in fun games and learning exercises that teach him how to read and spell. There are many apps that allow students to listen to words and spell using the sounds, so that they do not really have to see what is happening to learn. The Smart Board, since it is so big, allows a visually impaired student like Mason to be able to participate and actually know what is happening on the screen.

Tori Hudson
Today I am going to share with you an app called Proloquo2Go that is available on iTunes. This is an app that gives a voice to people who can not speak through the use of symbols. This is an amazing tool for kids who have trouble with verbal communication. Instead of trying to guess what they want or need, they can click on the appropriate symbols to tell you exactly what they want. When a symbol is clicked, it says the words out loud on the app as well. In this video, you will meet a 10 year-old boy named Nick. He was diagnosed with Autism and has trouble with his verbal communication. The video shows his mother and other people who work with Nick through out the day using Proloquo2Go and they talk about how it has drastically changed the ease in which they communicate. Nick will often try to verbalize what he wants but when/if it does not happen he uses his iPad to press the symbols which make sentences stating what it is he wants, needs, or feels. Most of the time he will also repeat what the app says which is strengthening his verbal communication skills. The app is availiable on the app store for $219.99. That may seem like a lot of money for one app but when it comes to being able to communicate with a child and the child better communicating with the world, I believe it is worth every penny. If you visit Proloquo2Go, read the reviews from people who have bought it. They all have touching stories about having children or students with disabilities of all kinds whose lives have been made so much easier because of this amazing app that enables them to communicate more effectively.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blog Post #11

What can we learn about teaching from these other teachers?
By: Chelsea Powers

Back to the Future
In this video Brian Crosby really knows how to get his class motivated. I have learned a lot from just hearing him speak. Mr. Crosby talks about empowering kids to learn on their own just like we do in EDM 310. He promotes hand on learning such as the project with the hot air balloon that his students did. The hot air balloon seemed to really get the class motivated and work collaboratively in groups. Mr. Crosby also involved the community and made this really a big deal for the students. The most important thing I learned from his video is that whatever the context is that you are teaching make it meaningful and motivational. This video also taught me the importance of technology in the classroom when he talked about Celeste that has leukemia. This is a little girl that cannot attend school because of her treatments and instead of just sending work home for her Mr. Crosby takes extra steps and has her on video in the classroom so she can interact with other students. It was a very touching story! This is a teacher that really cares about his student’s education.

Blended Learning Cycle
Paul Anderson Incorporates all aspects of a good Lesson. The picture that he shows in his video at first was very good understanding of how people thought that the future classrooms would be like. Mr. Anderson tells us how important the power of questioning is for their students. He starts off by getting the attention of the class with the disk that does not stop spinning. He then moves to a driving question and figures it out. They then investigate and experiement. He uses small group activities that involve collaboration with each other. Mr. Anderson also uses paper and pencil quiz to measure the students content knowledge of the subject. I believe this is important so that you can have a record of what the student has learned and what they have not. Mr. Anderson uses The five E's and Oilers disk to explain his techniques.

Making Thinking Visible
Mark Church demonstrates students having a deeper thought process about the content. It is very neat to see what the students think about the content before they actually review it. This also gives the teacher an idea on how to teach the content and different way of questioning. It is very interesting on how their outlooks change after reading and learning the content. This promotes critical thinking skills and group collaboration.

Building Comics
Same Pane taught his students the importance of using internet safety by letting them create their own Superhero digital citizen. This was a really engaging activity. He talke about making good choices when it comes to using the internet. I think this is very important for students to learn. As a parent and a future teacher I want my child to know how important it is to use the internet safely.

Project based Learning
In this video it shows the importance of teacher collaboration. They call this integrated studies which means deeper understanding. It combines technology, English, and History. By doing this it gives the students more time to blend ideas, content and quality feedback. They teach beyond the curriculum to give their students real life scenarios. By the teachers combining technology with English and History, this gives them ownership their work. They get feedback from all over the world which makes them want to do a better job on their assignments. This video shows me how effectively teachers should work together and collaborate to benefit their students.

Roosevelt's Project based learning
Roosevelt Elementary School seems to be a very community oriented school. They keep the parents well informed of what is going on with their children and in the classrooms. The teachers come together using state standards. The Teachers at Roosevelt believe posing real life problem solving skills for their students will make them not only become effective learner but good citizens. By teaching their student PBL they are taught how to work on a project from start to finish. It also teaches them public speaking skills by collaborating with each other. They are taught decision making by the teacher giving them choices on their projects. They are learning so many different learning styles which is truly amazing. There are so many different ways I will incorporate what I have learned in this video into my future classroom.

Project # 14 Project Based Learning Plan Part 2

Project Based Learning Plan
Part 2

By clicking the link below this will re-direct you to our Project Based Learning Plan Part 2.

Project Based Learning Plan Part 2

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blog Post #10

What can we learn from Mrs. Cassidy?
By: Chelsea Powers

social learning

In this video of Ms.Cassidy's 1st grade class the students demonstrate how they use technology in their classroom. The students look like they have a very good time collaborating with each other.

Ms. Cassidy's video part 1
In this video I learned the importance of technology in the classroom. I also agree with her about how college students should learn as much as they can about it while they are still in school. She also states that technology is not going to just go away or change. There is always something new and exciting to learn about. Ms. Cassidy also states how the students enjoy to see people from all over the world reading their blogs and different projects they do. I believe this would want students to continue improving their work because they know it's just not their teacher that will be reviewing their work.

Ms. Cassidy's video part 2
I can relate to Ms. Cassidy when she states in her interview about how she does not use social media at home in her personal life. I use social media just for this class. I do not have Facebook! The only reason I have Twitter is for this class. I will implement blogging and Skype in my future classroom but I will be very cautious in protecting my students as well. I had to give permission for my son to use the internet at his school as well, which I think was a great idea! I can see why parents do not want their children using social media.

Ms. Cassidy's video part 3
The thing that really stood out to me in this video was the term "Piggybacking". One of the students in the EDM 310 class asked Ms. Cassidy about it being easy for students to cheat when using social media from year to year or semester to semester. Her response was this is why it is important for teachers to collaborate and work together to change up the material so students can create their own response to the new material.

C4K Post #2

By: Chelsea Powers
October C4K

October Pumpkins

Mardell's Post
In this particular assignment Ms. Morgan assigned her students a number and they had to show different ways to write it. For example, Mardells number was 58 so she drew a number line, tally marks, and just regular number counting to demonstrate her number.

My Reply:
Hi Mardell, my name is Chelsea and I attend the University of South Alabama to become a school teacher. I enjoyed reading your blog post! I especially like the different ways you showed how to write the number 58. I cannot wait to read more of your post. Keep up the good work!!

Sophie's Post
Hello! Today I want to talk about one of my favorite books ever! Matched is a great book to get you thinking. It is all about life with no choices. You go too school you are assigned a job based off of the years they have been studying you, then they assign you a match to marry. This book is about a girl named Cassia who is matched with her childhood friend, then falls in love with a different friend. This book is full of secrets and surprises and I highly recommend it. If you have any books you want me too review on or think I would like please let me know in the comments below! Thanks for reading! Bye!

My Reply:
Hi Sophie,
I am a student at The University of South Alabama and I am majoring in education. I just wanted to tell you what a great blog you have! I have not read the book Matched but after reading your post I am going to have to check it out! :) Keep up the great work! Can't wait to read your next post!

Ethan's Blog Post
Ms. Philiplenkos 1st grade class just started blogging on September 30. Ethan's first blog states that he likes recess.

My Reply:
Hi Ethan! My name is Chelsea and I attend the University of South Alabama to become a school teacher. I am new at blogging too. It is so much fun to see that people from all over the world can look at your work that you are doing. When I was in school I liked recess too. I cannot wait to see more of your blog post!

Izac's Blog Post
Izac attends Pt. England School. In his most recent blog post Izac posted a picture on how to use a compass.

My Reply:
Hello Izac,
My name is Chelsea and I attend the University of South Alabama to become a school teacher. I have really enjoyed reading your blog post. It is very important to know how to read a compass. I enjoy going camping and hunting. When I go out in the woods it is very good to carry a compass so if you were to get lost you could find your way back. Keep up the good work!!

Project #12 A

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blog Post #9

What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?
By: Chelsea Powers

Project based learning is always a learning experience. There is always something new and exciting to learn about. Students and teachers teach us how to integrate PBL into our classroom environment to make a fun learning experience that will make a mark and not be forgotten.

What Motivates Students?
By watching the video What Motivates Students? I have learned in order to motivate students you have to find what interest the students and then associate the projects around real life experiences, something that is personal that they can use an take with them as a life lesson through life. I also found rewarding the students to be very useful. Even if it's as just as simple to tell them what a great job they have done. Title=

High School Implementing PBL
High School Teachers implementing PBL
Implementing PBL in a high school environment esaapecially through English and Math could be some what difficult the teachers at Sammamish High School is overcoming this possibility. I believe by connecting students at this age to the subject content and the outside world is very important. Speaking for myself I know that Math can be a very challenging subject but by letting them create games collaboratively and working the problems out through something they created helps them give a better understanding of what they need to know. The success rates that Sammamish High School has seen since implementing PBL shows that this is working for students. Title=

My Conclusion
Through my findings I have found that the most important things I have learned is to have a driving question. Not just an ordinary question but a question that is engaging to students that will want them to think about what they are learning. This leads to the importance of open-ended questions. Open-ended questioning promotes communication skills and problem solving. By engaging students through driving questions, open-ended questions, problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, and collaboration you have met the common core state standards.In Project based learning students take charge of their learning. They get to investigate the problems and share with others and then they have the opportunity to reflect on their learning and findings.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blog Post #8

What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning From Randy Pausch?
By: Chelsea Powers

When I first seen this assignment I thought to myself, who is Randy Pausch? I opened the video "The last Lecture" and seen it was almost one hour and a half, to be honest I thought to myself.... How am I going to be able to sit through this whole lecture. Wow, was I wrong!!! My eyes were fixated on the screen. I did not just watch the video once but twice. In Randy's video he starts out by talking about his diagnosis with pancreatic cancer. He makes it very clear that he does not want sympathy from anyone and even makes a joke by doing push-ups.

Randy Paush Life Quotes

Randy Pausch talks about living out his childhood dreams. He started out by wanting to be in zero gravity, being an author in the World Book Encyclopedia, Captain Kirk, To one of the guys that wins all the enormous stuffed animals. He even got a chance to work with Walt Disney Imagineers. Randy discussed how in some way, shape or form he managed to conquer all of his dreams. He then goes on to talk about becoming a professor and how fulfilling it is to help others live out their childhood dreams.

“The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.”
-Randy Pausch

I really liked this quote from Randy Pausch. No matter the circumstances he never seemed to give up! This man has really inspired me and made me look at life in a very different way. If everyone would have more of his morals and values in life I believe we would be much better off. I would advise anyone that has not listened to The Last Lecture to please do so and see if your outlook on life changes.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blog Post #7

How do we all become better learners?
By: Chelsea Powers

Play Learn and Grow Together

How to make an audio QR Code.
This video was very interesting to me. I have always wondered how the information got onto the QR barcode that you scan. The first time I ever used this app was in Ms. Vitulli's art class at the art museum. This video seemed very helpful not only for reading books to children but also recording any assignments and important information that is going on in the classroom that the parents can be aware of. This was very helpful to me.
Record MP3
QR Code Monkey

iPad in the Reading Center
This video was would be very useful in reading centers. It looks very engaging to students. I also believe it helps the with fluency as well. I thought it was very neat how they could go back and check to see if they got all the words correct that they have read.
iPad reading centers

Poplet as a Center
Poplet seems like a very good program all the way around. Not only does it focus on teaching students what they have learned but also reading and writing skills. It also teaches them how to use a camera and get the right lighting on the pictures. I was really surprised that k-5 students were doing this type of project! AMAZING!!
Poplet as a Center

Alabama Virtual Library

Alabama Virtual library is a very useful for reading centers. It was a great way for students to learn reading and writing skills and learn different ways to show what they were learning. This is amazing that Kindergarten students are able to use this website like this!

Alabama Virtual Library

Mrs. Shirley’s 1st Grade Class How to use and build a Board in DE for a Project Based Lesson

Board Builder on discovery education is a very neat idea for projects. To me it takes the place of your typical posterboard projects. This seems like a fun and engaging project. I went on the discovery education website and this is a very resourceful site.

Discovery Education

We All Become Learners

This was a great video that Dr. Strange conducted. I learned that we all are learning not just teachers teaching students but students teaching teachers. It all is a learning process for everyone. I also believe that students feel more involved and engaged when they get a chance to show you something new.

We all Become Learners

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Project #13

Project Based Learning Plan
By: Group 4
Animal Classification Title=

Group 4 created a Google site below on our Project Based learning Plan. Please click the link below.

Project Based Lesson Plan Group 4

Monday, September 29, 2014

Blog Post #6

What I learned from these conversations with Anthony Capps?
By: Chelsea Powers

Project based learning

I learned a lot by watching the interviews that Dr. Strange and Anthony Capps had done. I was truly amazed at some of the things that Anthony had his third grade students doing. I do not remember doing any type of projects like this when I was this age. I also like how he associates real life situations in his curriculum. I also learned that everything does not always go as planned in the classroom when you are teaching. There are so many resources you can use as a teacher to help you in the classroom. I also learned how important it is to find something that engages students to learn the material. Anthony Capps seems like a very devoted, caring, teacher that loves teaching. We need more teachers like this in the classroom.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Comment For Kids

C4K #1

Romonadel is a 5th grade student in Pt England. Yesterday a group of people from the Revolution group came to Pt England to send a message about stop the bull which means stop the bully. We all had to stand up in 3 seconds and see if we all agree to stop the bully and we all stood up. Stop the bull.

Hi Romonadel! My name is Chelsea and I attend the University of South Alabama where I am studying to become a elementary teacher. I just wanted to comment on your blog and tell you how awesome I think it is.I am new to this whole e-learning thing so any suggestions would be great since it looks like you really know what you are doing :). I loved your "Stop the Bull" post. We have a lot of that in our schools too. I also seen where you would like to work for the SPCA. I think that is wonderful and I hope you can follow through with that.

C4K #2

Callum is a fifth grader from South Africa. In this post on her blog she described the life cycle of a frog. She used great pictures and explained each step of the cycle.

Hi Callum! My name is Chelsea and I attend the University of South Alabama where I am studying to become a elementary teacher. I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed reading your blog and all of your post. Your post about the life cycle of frogs was great. Keep up the good work!! Can't wait to read more of your blog.

C4K #3

Kaitlyn is in Ms. Greer's fifth grade class. On this particular blog post the students were assigned to do the 100 Word Challenge. The children in her class had to create a blog using 100 words. She stated in the assignment to be creative and have fun.

Hi KaitlynP! My name is Chelsea and I attend the University of South Alabama where I am studying to become a elementary teacher. I enjoyed reading your story! You have a great blog. Keep up the good work!!

Project #8

Book Trailer
By: Chelsea Powers

Goodnight Goon
By:Michael Rex

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Presentation Project #3

Presentation Project #3
By: Chelsea Powers

Blog Post #5

What are PLN's?
By: Chelsea Powers

PLN stands for Personal Learning Networks. I have never heard of PLN before in my whole life. It always seems to amaze me of how much information and technology Edm310 has taught me. As overwhelming as this class may seem all the information is so useful. PLN has became very useful to me for managing and organize all of my work that I do on a daily bases where it is all in one place. I started off by creating an account with Symbaloo. They then sent me a very informative video on how the site works (see link below). I am still working on my PLN and learning more and more about this tool everyday.

Tutorial Video

Personal Learning Network

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Project #15

Search Engines
By: Chelsea Powers

Search Engine

1. Bing
Bing is an Internet search engine powered by Microsoft. Using Bing is much like using other search engine., You can enter one or more keywords into the search field to find web pages that mention the keywords or phrase you have entered. On Bing, you can perform a keyword search for articles, images, videos, news, shopping websites, and more. You can also enter specific commands with your keywords into the search field to narrow your search results.

2.Ask is a question answering-focused web search engine.

Yahoo! is an Internet portal that incorporates a search engine and a directory of World Wide Web sites organized in a hierarchy of topic categories. As a directory, it provides both new and seasoned Web users the reassurance of a structured view of hundreds of thousands of Web sites and millions of Web pages. It also provides one of the best ways to search the Web for a given topic.

Search one and done!! This website is a search engine that lets you search multiple discounted hotel rooms, airline flights, vacation getaways, and much more.

Each search engine has its own method of searching and each will return different results. Dogpile looks at all of them, decides which are most relevant to your search, eliminates duplicates and reveals them to you. At last, you get a list of results more complete than anywhere else on the Web.

Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it. It is a special type of website. Many people are constantly improving Wikipedia, making thousands of changes per hour

Wolfram is an engine for computing answers and providing knowledge. It works by using its vast store of expert-level knowledge and algorithms to automatically answer questions, do analysis, and generate reports

Youtube is said to be the second largest search engine. If you don't know how to do something just Youtube it.

Resources: All the above

C4T #1

Comment for Teachers
By: Chelsea Powers

C4T #1
Hooda Math Blog

Michael Edlavitch is the creator of Hooda Math. This is a fun website that students can go and learn about math and play games. I explored his website and then realized my fourth grade son has his app on his Ipad. Here is the link to his website.You can also follow Hooda math on twitter. I hope you find it as much fun as we did!

C4T #1 Reply
Hi Michael,
My name is Chelsea and I'm an elementary education major. I just wanted to comment on your blog and tell you what a great website you have. I have never been very well in math at all!! Your website makes learning math fun and easy. My fourth grader has the app on his Ipad and loves playing the math games. I will definitely start following Hooda Math on twitter. I cant wait to get new updates about Hooda math.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog Post #4

What questions do we ask? How do we ask?
By:Chelsea Powers

Raising Hands

What do we need to know about asking questions to be an effective teacher?

As teachers we have to quit assuming that they know everything. We are not made to know everything and that is why we have to find the right questions to ask. I believe the most effective type of questioning is Open Questioning. Open Questioning gives students the opportunity to engage with other students and differentiate their own opinions and thoughts. Through research I have found that there are four different categories for questioning in the classroom and I have listed them below.

The major types of questions fall into four categories:

Managerial: questions which keep the classroom operations moving;
Rhetorical: questions used to emphasize a point or to reinforce an idea or statement;
Closed: questions used to check retention or to focus thinking on a particular point; and
Open: questions used to promote discussion or student interaction

Effective Classroom Questioning

Monday, September 8, 2014

Blog Post #3

How Can You Provide Meaningful Feedback to Your Peers?
By:Chelsea Powers
Second graders working together

Google Images

Three main components:

-Compliment the writer
-Make suggestions
-Provide corrections

Peer editing can be a very touchy subject. After all you are critiquing someone else's work and nobody likes to be wrong (right)? First, you do not want to offend the writer, so start off by complimenting the writers work. Next, with a positive attitude make suggestions on how they could change their work to make it better. Don't be a "Picky Patty". You have to be careful in how you do this because you do not want to offend the writer.

I use peer editing everyday at my job. Our company just turned into an ISO certified company. Through this difficult time my fellow co-workers were constantly revising and changing documentation to be compliant with ISO. Even though at sometime it was very hard to stay positive about changes with them, we evaluated the corrections as a team to make the right decision. In closing what I am trying to say about this is that peer editing is not just in the classroom it follows you through certain career paths that you choose in life.

What is Peer Editing
"Picky Patty"

Monday, September 1, 2014

Blog Post #2

What Will Teaching in the 21st Century be Like??
By: Chelsea Powers

Teaching in the twenty first century
Photo Source: Google Images

Professor Dancelot

The video "Professor Dancelot" sends the message of not having adequate resources for teaching in the 21st century. Sitting in a classroom with a teacher and a power point presentation does not fulfill the teaching requirements that are needed for students to learn the material that is being taught. When it was time for students to take a test on the different dances they all were clueless. This is why it is so important for students to have the opportunity to learn hands on in a fun environment.

Teaching in the 21st century

What will be the roll of teachers in the 21st century? The author demonstrates the importance of
teachers and how they will teach their students. I use Google everyday. If I do not know something where else do you look but Google. It was not until I started taking EDM310 that there was so much more to Google besides just a search engine. Dr. Strange taught me how to utilize Google even outside the classroom. I believe the author of this video is teaching us as future teachers that we do not have to know everything in order to be a teacher, but utilize our skills and teach students to find the answer and use all the available resources.

Who's ahead in the learning race?

When technology comes into play i would have to say elementary children are definitely on top of the game. It is amazing to me of how quickly they catch on to things. I am most definitely on the lower end of learning when it comes to technology.

Flipping the classroom

I have not heard of "Flipping the classroom" until now. I think this is a great idea! This gives students an idea of what they will be learning the next day and prepare them for the material that they will be learning. I also believe this is a good example of No more "Burp Back Education".

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog Post #1

What about EDM310??

This is actually my second time in EDM310. I had to drop this course because I was overloaded with my other classes. When Dr. Strange says to devote at least 9 hrs. a week in this course he is telling the truth! This course is a little overwhelming for me because I do not do the whole social media thing for various reasons. I have heard this is a very demanding class, so if you have trouble managing your time (like me) I would not wait until the last minute to complete your assignments. I would also suggest that if you do not understand something, do not be afraid to ASK or get help because that is where I went wrong before. I believe there is no stupid questions, so do not let anyone make you feel that way.

Practice Blog Post

Hi Everyone! My name is Chelsea Powers. I have lived in Mobile, Al all of my life. I am a junior at the University of South Alabama, majoring in Elementary Education. I work for a family owned fabrication company where I perform the duties of an office manager. We make the parts on the umbilical’s that go on the bottom of the ocean floor for the oil field industry. I have a 9yr. old son and a 4yr. old step son. I am also on the PTO board at my son’s school. In our spare time we go to the country house in Tunnel Springs, Al. where we enjoy hunting. In the summer months if we are not on the river fishing we are out deep sea fishing.

In order to become an educator you really have to have a true calling for it. As everyone knows you do not become a teacher for the money or to get rich. Becoming a teacher is much more than that. Most of us take advantage of the resources we have for our children to learn and better their futures. I have spent time in the classroom a lot, and I am so surprised on how much things have changed since I was in school. Not only on how the material is taught but how much technology is used such as IPad’s and Smart boards.